I first noticed the current incarnation of the Mind Virus infest comic books in late 2012. It was sudden, and ferocious, and shocking to those that could see what was happening. Almost all of them stayed utterly silent, in fear, hoping it would pass, and that they’d be left alone.
“First they came for the squirrels, and I said nothing, for I was not a squirrel, etc”
Frank Miller, author of The Dark Knight Returns, Sin City, Daredevil, and so many more god-tier, undisputedly classic works, had been booked to headline a British comic convention this year, but was removed after someone said his very presence made them feel uNSafE because they didn't like a comic he made.
We’re now at the stage of the game where the power-mad narcissistic cry bullies are so feared that they’re able to unpersonactual geniuses - people that created things of worth and value and beauty, whose influence literally changed the world - as easily as a fat toddler might crush an ant.
This image is from an anti-censorship ad drawn by Frank Miller in the long long ago of the nineteen nineties, when people who considered themselves liberal might not agree with what you said, but they’d damn sure fight to the death for you right to say it! As opposed to the horrorful mass of tarantulas we see today who might not agree with what you say, but they’d damn sure do everything they could to drive you to suicide as punishment for your wrongthink.
It's an illustration of just how quickly things can change, almost unrecognizably. But some things are constant. Bullies lose, propaganda is always forgotten, and true art always remains.
People will still be reading Frank Miller’s work when this weird and creepy moment in history is looked back upon with shudders and bafflement... that a small mob of spiteful, bitter, miserable, vengeful, weak, pathetic little insects was allowed to wreak such havoc for so long, will seem like utter madness. Because it is utter madness.
Frank Miller and his generation saw this plague coming. And most of them said nothing, hoping it would pass, and leave them be. But such a thing does not pass. It grows stronger and more grotesque and vengeful and murderous with with every scalp its allowed.
And it only stops when you say you’ve had enough.
Timelapse of me drawing my new avatar
Tools: Procreate on iPad with Apple Pencil
Own the NFT at https://opensea.io/akirathedon !
With lyrics adapted from Berton Braley's poem of 100 years hence!
STREAM https://go.meaningwave.com/TELLTHEMNOW
Art by me!
Own the NFT! https://opensea.io/akirathedon
Welcome to the quarter century mark. That sure went by fast. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas - THAt sure went by fast! And now here we are in the new calendar year.
My distributor informed me a few days before Christmas that they were shutting shop for a few weeks, so I’d not be able to get any new releases out until January 18th, which put a lil crimp in our NEW MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY schedule…And it occurred to me whilst under the barbell in the gym on New Years Eve, which is where all my best ideas occur to me, to make you a special mix for the New Year. So I did. And that mix is now live for you to enjoy.
Patrons and supporters on Patreon, Youtube, and now X can download the mix for free here.
MEANWHILE! I am taking the extra time I’ve been allotted to make what would have been this week's single extra beautiful. So it’s getting a gospel choir, which I always thought it deserved. And you’re gonna...
“I want you
To understand what it means
To lose your freedom…”
Ross Ulbricht (https://freeross.org/case-overview/) is currently serving two life sentences in a maximum security jail, where he’s been since 2013, for creating the world’s first online digital marketplace based around Bitcoin.
This is his story. Told in his own words, via phone-call from prison, transmuted into music.
Understand what it means - to lose your freedom.
Stream and download the album now on your platform of choice.
Join us live for the visual premiere on Youtube here from 2ET
I met Ross’ mother, Lyn, late last year, when I was in Miami to perform my Ayn Rand EP (https://go.meaningwave.com/ANTHEM) at the Atlas Society gala. The World renowned “Pimp On A Blimp” Alex Stein very sweetly invited me to a party being hosted by Tim Pool, where I had a lovely time and met a number of fascinating people, and late in the night I was introduced to Lyn. ...
“You can't pursue happiness
You could pursue a wild animal
You could pursue a ball
That's rolling downhill
You could pursue a car
You could pursue a dog
Because those are all real
But happiness you can't pursue
You could end up happy
But you can't pursue happiness
There are two things
You can pursue
That'll get you there…”
Make some noise for the grand return of Scott Adams () to the Meaningwave Universe! And with a song that couldn’t be more perfectly Meaningwave if it was synthesized in a lab by a team of 100 genius-level Meaningwave scholars 2000 years from now...
…is out now!
I sent it to Scott last week, and he replied straight away, “I love it! But I am biased.” Which is fair. I love it too, and I hope you do too. Hey look! Here’s the music video!
Wonder where it’s gonna show up in next month’s MEANINGWAVE TOP 50, huh? SPEAKING OF THE TOP 50!