Meaningwave is a musical psychotechnology developed by Akira The Don with the aim of helping listeners to achieve their potential in this lifetime.
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David Goggins says: SHUT THE UP!

“Real men don't care about that gossipy bull****
Get to work man
That's it”

Gossipy bull was seemingly reaching an all-time high not long ago, culminating in one evening when I logged onto X and found my feed drenched in nothing BUT gossipy bull. The drama farmers had famed so hard that they’d become the drama, and scores of accounts were popping up, devoted to nothing but the gossiping about other fellows.

A deeply tragic waste of life, and the natural culmination of the feedback loop created by the question posed by social media at its inception: “What are you doing?” Well, if you weren’t doing anything interesting enough, soon enough it became, “Don’t worry about what I’m doing, look what HE/SHE’S doing”, and lo the internet turned into a giant gonzo rubbernecking circle jerk, with commentators becoming commented upon, looping into horrifying infinity, and nobody seems to create anything new at all.

Jaron Lanier once suggested that, after the internet came along, culture...

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Drawing My New Avatar

Timelapse of me drawing my new avatar

Tools: Procreate on iPad with Apple Pencil

Own the NFT at !




With lyrics adapted from Berton Braley's poem of 100 years hence!


Art by me!

Own the NFT!

KALI YUGA... with David Lynch

What’s a Yuga? What’s a Satya Yuga? Or a Treta, or a Dvapara? What’s Kali Yuga? Why are we in it? How long’s it go on for? Also Akira, when are you going to put some Gregorian chants in a song again?

SO MANY QUESTIONS! And yet somehow, all of them just so happen to be answered right here, with the assistance of the great David Lynch, on this brand new Meaningwave masterpiece…


It’s not all bad! But! You could say, we all deserve to be here… during this time…

KALI YUGA ( is out now on all platforms (, and you can enjoy the glorious music video, that samples Ron Fricke’s 1985 abstract masterpiece, Chronos, right here.

In other news, it’s Mammadon’s birthday. Happy birthday Mammadon!

Hold tight for the HANK ( instrumentals coming next week, and thank you for all the beautiful messages you’ve ...

HANK with Charles Bukowski - Album Out Now

HANK is the brand new album from Akira The Don and Charles Bukowski.

HANK ( draws from years of interviews and poems to create 14 beautiful songs - 11 brand new, including the instant classics BLUEBIRD ( ft Harry Dean Stanton, LET IT DIE (, and THE CRUNCH (, along with a gang more that you will come to love, featuring Bukowski’s meditations on life, loss, loneliness, love and all that comes between and after, entwined with an exquisite string soaked soundtrack from Akira.

The set also features a trio of beloved Meaningwave Masterpieces - The Genius of The Crowd (, plus the Tom Waits-voiced Nirvana ( and The Laughing Heart (

You can read about how Akira came to discover Charles Bukowski and the inspiration behind ...

New entries and re-entries in the MEANINGWAVE TOP 50! Plus SALE and GAINS!

It’s a new month, which means it's time to count down the most steamed Meaningwave songs across DSPs for the past month, on the


Chart data is compiled from streams across digital streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, and now YouTube and X. We have a gang of new entries this month, along with some major re-entries… is your favorite in the chart? And who’s at number one? Tune in live now and find out!


It’s Labor Day in the USA, and in keeping with tradition we have a sale on for the next 24 hours… get 20% off everything with code WORK at checkout now!


Good news! I transcended my goal of being able to lift my bodyweight this week. I wasn’t expecting to hit that for a few weeks… but I jumped 20lb after doing extra bench practice 3...

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